My last post was quite some time ago but I will not hesitate to say that, YES I have neglected and forgotten I had a blog. I also tend to forget this is the perfect place to come and vent about things I cannot with a human. So I'm going to give you a little rundown on what I've been up to since the last post. The ones who are dearest to my heart will say that I'm the same ol' Krystal and been up to the same schemes being busy as ever. Lately, the time it's taken me to realize the obstacles I was about to face aren't as bad as they seemed when I first took the opportunity to be on TV. Back and forth conversations of doubt and failure poisoned my mind into believing that all I could do was fail. Timeless memories haunt me til this day, reminding me of my once disappointing past. Growing up i thought I was never going to be noticed by anyone due to my frail frame and poufy hair. I've been through it all: bullying, name calling, humiliation, second guessing...shall i name a few more?

Yet, I always had this little inkling of hope that "One day, everyone is going to regret ever hurting me. They're going to know who I am." At the time I had no idea how I was even going to execute this plan since I was about to just enter high school. What I can confess, is that my dreaming kept the driving force in me STRONG every. single. day. To meet me is to meet one of the biggest imaginations and day dreamers. From the time I was a little twerp all the way til now,  I continue daydreaming til it's time to snap out of it. My daydreams consisted of the music I listened to religiously that inspired me to to be free. To explore the inner mechanisms of my creativity and to never let someone tell you it's WRONG. What you put on a piece of paper or what you dance to, is a form of SELF expression not someone else's. Ultimately, your goal is to have someone else RELATE to what you've felt (or still feel) and bring them back into their element. To bring them back into a place where they felt most at ease or where they've acutally had strong feelings for something. This acts as a constant reminder of what I was even put on this earth to begin with. Slowly, I am making my own judgements as to what my purpose is and that is to make people understand something they didn't before. Whether it's selling a product on the show to help you save money, or it's a simple compliment remember: someone will appreciate your time and effort into making them see the light differently.

In just 3 days, I will be entering a brand new chapter of adult hood: 21. With every new milestone is a new journey and this time I'm going to let my spirit guide me...

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” ― Ernest Hemingway


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